Sort by original name
Hi all:
I have here a video of an day-long event shot with a Canon EOS camera; thus, all the files had names in the “MVI_0023” format. I started logging all the footage and renaming the clips in Premiere… and once I finished, I realized that it would have been really convenient to know roughly the moment of the day when a clip was shot (at the beginning of the event, at the end…), something that I didn’t add to the clip descriptions while logging. Oops.
The original “MVI_0129” filenames could be useful for that (the bigger the number, the later it was shot)… except that I don’t see a way of sorting by original filename inside Premiere. What can I do? Will I have to go through all the files again and check their original filenames one by one, in order to add the number to the clip description? Isn’t there a more automated way?
Thanks in advance.