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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X sony hdv deck

  • Adam Dewhirst

    November 20, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    SONY GV-HD700… that is the deck i am using, or trying to use. i bought a dv to firewire 800 cable as my iMac only has 800. i have 100’s of tapes to try and get into fcp x but no idea how…

  • Mark Morache

    November 21, 2011 at 12:12 am

    Adam… I’m curious. Can you capture clips through quicktime 7?

    You can open up quicktime 7, then select “edit/new movie recording”

    Open quicktime preferences and under the recording tab, make sure the video source is set to the hdv vcr, quality should be “device native” and select where to save the files to.

    If your mac can’t see the footage from the firewire in quicktime, I imagine that it’s a hardware issue between the deck and the cable.

    Do you have FCP7? You might try that as well.

    If Quicktime can bring the footage in but FCX can’t, at least you still have a way to ingest it. I don’t know if the timecode comes in with quicktime.

    FCX. She tempts me, abuses me, beats me up, makes me feel worthless, then in the end she comes around, helps me get my work done, gives me hope and I can’t stop thinking about her.

    Mark Morache
    Evening Magazine,Seattle, WA

  • Adam Dewhirst

    November 21, 2011 at 12:40 am

    hi mark,

    thanks for your response

    i never knew it was possible to capture clips through quicktime but i think it might be a hardware issue from my subsequent investigations. apparently the sony deck only supports firewire 100, 200 and 400 but imacs only have 800. there is an adaptor (400 to 800) that i can buy so hopefully that will solve the issue.

    i only have fcp 6 and that doesnt work with lion.

    on a separate note. i’d really like to know how i could install fcp 6 so i could access projects i have been working on all year until my motherboard gave up the ghost. all i can think of is to try and buy a second mac that doesn’t have lion installed yet.


  • Tony Brittan

    November 21, 2011 at 1:44 am

    I believe you can wipe the system drive, install snow leopard, install FCP 6, then upgrade to Lion and install everything else.

  • Adam Dewhirst

    November 21, 2011 at 2:18 am

    thanks for that tony,

    do you know how i would go about wiping the system drive?

  • Tony Brittan

    November 21, 2011 at 2:21 am

    That requires formatting your drive and starting from scratch. A few ways to do it…best to do a Google search for: “how to reformat drive and do fresh install of snow leopard”. FCP 6 will install fine on SL and then you can do the leopard upgrade after.

  • Adam Dewhirst

    November 21, 2011 at 2:42 am

    thanks tony… will give it a go.

  • Tony Brittan

    November 21, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Sorry…I meant you can do the Lion update later 😉

  • T. Payton

    November 21, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Tony – before you wipe your drive, I think there is a much simpler solution, and you just need to do some messing with the deck. See here:

    I’ve captured a lot of HDV from FCP X and it is far superior to FCP 7 and earlier in that regard.

    Also if for some reason you want to install a previous version of Mac OS X, you can simply create a new partition in Disk Utilities and install and older OS on that. No need to wipe your drive!

    T. Payton
    OneCreative, Albuquerque

  • Tony Brittan

    November 21, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    I was responding to the OP question about installing FCP 6, specifically, on Lion. In order to run 6 on Lion, you must first install SL, then FCP 6, then Lion. Lion doesn’t support Rosetta and FCP 6 requires Rosetta to install. And since it appears as though they are just getting started on a new machine, now would be a good time to do so 😉

    Tony Brittan
    Island Shore Productions
    Posted From iPad

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