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Activity Forums Cinematography Sony F3 vs Red One (MX)

  • Sony F3 vs Red One (MX)

    Posted by Angelo Lorenzo on November 4, 2011 at 1:54 am

    I’ll be shooting a short film relatively soon and I’ve decided on a super35 sensor camera.

    What I’m still pondering is choosing the F3 over the Red One.

    Using a week rental as a guideline and not checking “do me a favor” pricing, I come out to the following:

    F3: $1875
    F3 with updated firmware: $2085
    Red One (MX): $2375

    Now to squeeze the full color and bitrate out of either F3 setup, I’d need a $200/week Ki Pro Mini to round out the kit, bridging the gap to $100 more for the week for a Red One kit.

    While the barebones F3 package is more attractive with a $500 price gap… Id rather just shoot my 5DmkII if I was going to get stuck with 4:2:0.

    Thoughts? I’m very familiar with the Red One and I know I can upres the F3 to 2K for projection because it’s a sharp camera as well.

    We’re shooting some lit daytime interiors, with minimal day and night exteriors, no effects. It’s not a very demanding situation.

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    Angelo Lorenzo replied 13 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Angelo Lorenzo

    November 4, 2011 at 2:08 am

    Hm, nevermind. I got a call from my production partner and renting a Red One from another friend will beat out all those prices. Problem solved.

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