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Activity Forums DVD Authoring Sony DVD Architect 6 won’t recognize Ac3 audio

  • Sony DVD Architect 6 won’t recognize Ac3 audio

    Posted by Conner Orr on December 27, 2012 at 6:08 am

    I am working on a blu-ray disc in DVD Architect and want to do 5.1 surround. I edited an mpeg2 file in sony vegas and a seperate ac3 file for my 5.1. When I import it into dvd architect, it plays fine in the preview but when I go to author the actual disc, it says my ac3 stream needs recompressed and is not compliant with the disc. I’ve tried changing audio formats but I get this error each time and when it does recompress, the disc never plays audio. I looked all over for a solution but I can’t find one. I even tried going back to DVDA 5.2 but I still have the exact same problem.

    Sebastian Leitner replied 4 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sebastian Leitner

    October 17, 2020 at 3:42 am

    this bug also applies to DVDA7 – the solution i found was to use the free AUDACITY and ffmpeg plugin to convert a multichannel 6-track wave surround file to dolby ac3 5.1 (enable custom track channel mapping in the import/export section of the preferences first). and then DVDA7 accepted it and did not re-compress audio!

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