Sony DVD Architect 5.0 increases “disc space used:” when adding subtitles and chapters using the same asset more than once.
I have worked with DVD Architect for almost 10 years now and have never needed subtitles…till now. I don’t know if this is a bug or I’m doing something wrong but I hope someone can help me.
I have always created a menu based DVD with a main menu, chapters menu, and an extras page.
My problem arises when I add subtitles. It seems I can’t do both chapters and subtitles without exceeding the disc limit. I am mastering a DVD-9 (8.5gb) disc. The main mpeg file is a 2 hour video totaling 7.3GB. Bringing it into DVDA and placing it on the main menu shows a file size of 7.3GB. I can add a subtitle track to it adding an additional .1GB with the imported text file and it works fine. As soon as I bring in the same file onto the chapters menu, it adds another 7.3 GB making the “Disc space used: 14.6GB.” If I remove the subtitle tracks it shrinks back down to 7.3. If I remove the chapters menu and all other instances of the same video file it also goes back down to 7.3GB.
It seems that i have only two choices: Master a DVD with chapters and no subtitles or master a DVD with subtitles but no chapters. This one is frustrating. When I check optimize disc, it shows the same media file listed twice when trying to add subtitles to my chapters menu based DVD.
I even downloaded the latest trial version of DVDA from Magix and it does the same thing.
Any idea why DVDA is treating the file as two seperate files? How do I create a DVD with both chapters and subtitles? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.