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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Soft Glow effect from digital fusion

  • Soft Glow effect from digital fusion

    Posted by Peter Stenhouse on April 4, 2005 at 9:47 pm

    Hi there. I am trying to make a comped on background on a greenscreen band performance look like a rear projection. My colleague used an effect called Soft Glow in digital fusion that I want to simulate. I have had some success using a compund blur on the image with a screen composite mode. however this effects all the lumanous parts of the image ge and not just the the background which is predominantly red. how do I isolate only the red channel to be effect but glow effect I want ot bleed from the screen. I don’t think i’ve explained myself well. But if anyone can think of a way to get a rear projection look than please help me. Okay thanks in advance

    Peter Stenhouse replied 19 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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