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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro So, the new automatic free transcription feature: anybody?

  • So, the new automatic free transcription feature: anybody?

    Posted by Mark Suszko on August 10, 2021 at 3:15 pm

    So, the new automatic free transcription feature: anybody use it yet? I’m interested in finding out if it’s faster and more accurate than my current free caption-generating method, which is to feed the audio to YouTube, and let it do the first automatic captioning pass on it.

    What the YouTube and the Prem Pro systems both seem to miss, (from what I’ve read) is that neither of them does punctuation or capitalizations, so in both cases, you gotta go back thru the generated file and clean it up manually before it is usable for clean captions.

    Now, That’s certainly better than hand-typing every word, and free is a good price. What I don’t yet know and want an opinion on, is, does handling it internally in Premiere Pro actually work better than what I’m doing now, or not? These days, YouTube seems to be getting slower at the job.

    Bret Hampton replied 3 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Bret Hampton

    August 10, 2021 at 3:26 pm

    I think Premiere is more accurate than YouTube. However I only have limited experience with either this way. I usually create subs and captions myself.

    My tests on Premiere showed it does caps as well as periods.

    Premiere sends the audio to their AI, Sensei for processing, which supposedly helps accuracy.

    Like any voice recognition program it has some trouble with idioms, name spellings. But so do the court reporters I work with.

    I don’t expect any AI software to work perfectly, they’re not there yet and might not ever.

    But for free, it’s fantastic.

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