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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations Smoke 2013 “get started” videos posted

  • Brendan Gibbons

    June 5, 2012 at 4:00 am

    Everything just changed in post 😉

  • Jeremy Garchow

    June 5, 2012 at 4:35 am

    [Brendan Gibbons] “Everything just changed in post ;-)”

    Again? Again!


  • Steve Connor

    June 5, 2012 at 8:37 am

    Interesting, but very basic content.

    Steve Connor
    “The ripple command is just a workaround for not having a magnetic timelinel”
    Adrenalin Television

  • Sandeep Sajeev

    June 5, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Still looks like it’ll be best as a short-form editorial/finishing tool doesn’t it? Do like the Versions feature briefly touched upon in one of those videos.

    As an aside, the bigger Agencies here in Mumbai (O&M, BBDO, JWT, Lintas) have picked up multiple seats of 2012 in prep for the 2013 release.

    Looks like a lot more stuff will stay in-house now.

  • Jeremy Garchow

    June 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm

    [Sandeep Sajeev] “Still looks like it’ll be best as a short-form editorial/finishing tool doesn’t it? Do like the Versions feature briefly touched upon in one of those videos. “

    There’s a few things that are barely touched upon that I’m interested in that weren’t shown. The versions thing sounded cool, but wasn’t shown. It must not be ready.

    Yes, I think Smoke is more of a compositing/finishing tool. It will now allow you to edit in it as well, with a more familiar track based interface/bin structure. For long form, I don’t see a huge advantage at this point, especially as interchange out is more limited than most NLEs.

    Also, it’s been talked about that Smoke renders everything to frames, which works at a render advantage because only the frames that have changed are rerendered. But this means that every render will essentially be a ProRes .mov image sequence.

    Autodesk says they are working on the confirm tool to “fit in a production pipeline”, so let’s see what they come up with.

    I’m still psyched. I don’t need a long form editor so Smoke might work.


  • Bret Williams

    June 5, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    So is it out yet? I signed up for it awhile back. I suppose it must be soon if the vids got put up yesterday. A little bummed all it is is the editing for the first release. Nice, but not what I’m psyched about. I want to see the compositing/ediiting workflow since CS6 has let us down in the AE dept on macs (as well as Premiere unless you’re working on a Macbook Pro. Just the ability to jump over and roundtrip to a title with lights and cameras like FCP 7 / Motion or Premiere / AE and actually get to use the GPU / Processors in my computer would be nice. AE doesn’t support Mac GPUs, and when you round tripped in FCP 7 it used one processor to render and 4 gigs RAM. Autodesk may not be making the best editor, but if it’s good enough and it all works together (especially if we can rough in X) then it’s worth it.

  • Brian Mulligan

    June 5, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    [Jeremy Garchow] “There’s a few things that are barely touched upon that I’m interested in that weren’t shown. The versions thing sounded cool, but wasn’t shown. It must not be ready.

    Versioning that Grant talked about is nothing more than a new VIDEOish track that will allow you to make revisions to your timeline and then have only 1 active track with multiple video layers.

    So then you can just adjust the positioner head on the track you want to me the output.

    Brian Mulligan
    Senior Editor – Autodesk Smoke
    WTHR-TV Indianapolis,IN, USA
    Twitter: @bkmeditor

  • Jeremy Garchow

    June 5, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    [Bret Williams] “So is it out yet?”

    It got pushed back to get more things done “under the hood”.

    It’s a beta release after all. I hope they take their time.

    I’m curious about the compositing as well. I’m giddy!


  • Jeremy Garchow

    June 5, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    [Brian Mulligan] “Versioning that Grant talked about is nothing more than a new VIDEOish track that will allow you to make revisions to your timeline and then have only 1 active track with multiple video layers.

    So then you can just adjust the positioner head on the track you want to me the output.”

    Like a nest? What’s a videoish track? 🙂

  • Sandeep Sajeev

    June 5, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    Don’t recall Grant stating that the Pre-Release wouldn’t have Action. Was it mentioned elsewhere?

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