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Slice X or AE?
Posted by Mark Smith on August 22, 2016 at 12:39 amDisclaimer; I am a bit out of my pay grade but I am going to ask anyway….
I need to replace the text on a white board that appears in a shot . Complicating matters is the camera pans to the white board so there is motion blur. We tried tracking the shot and doing the white board text replacement in AE but it s not working . Would Slice X be a better choice of tool than AE for the whiteboard text replacement ? Or are they about equal for tracking Motion?
We’re kind of resigned to the fact we might reshoot which is very difficult for a variety of reasons, mostly political, at this point, but ultimately we may have to solve the politics if software can’t solve the problem.
Mark Smith replied 8 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Noah Kadner
August 22, 2016 at 1:38 amSliceX would be simpler as that’s its main function and you’re avoiding all the roundtripping.
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Francois Jean
August 22, 2016 at 2:37 amThis would be TrackX using Track layer not sliceX. If planar tracking does not work well you can use four point tracking in Motion 5 it can do a very good job and it is easy to manually complete or correct troubled frames . You might have to deinterlace the shot …
Jeff Kirkland
August 22, 2016 at 2:55 amyou could also give the replacement a quick try in Motion.
(For some reason I can\’t edit my own posts so apologies in advance for the stupid mistakes and bad English that I can\’t go back and fix)
Jeff Kirkland | Video Producer & Cinematographer
Melbourne, Australia | Twitter: @jeffkirkland -
Noah Kadner
August 22, 2016 at 3:00 amSounds like both would be needed if he needs to first Object Remove the existing text via SliceX before adding new text in TrackX.
FCP Exchange – FCPX Workshops
XinTwo – FCPX Training -
Jeff Kirkland
August 22, 2016 at 3:04 amKeep in mind that TrackX and SliceX are both powered by Mocha so if the AE version of Mocha couldn’t track it, they’re probably not going to either.
(For some reason I can\’t edit my own posts so apologies in advance for the stupid mistakes and bad English that I can\’t go back and fix)
Jeff Kirkland | Video Producer & Cinematographer
Melbourne, Australia | Twitter: @jeffkirkland -
Robin S. kurz
August 23, 2016 at 11:58 am[Jeff Kirkland] “Keep in mind that TrackX and SliceX are both powered by Mocha so if the AE version of Mocha couldn’t track it, they’re probably not going to either.”
The two implementations are entirely different beasts. AE’s version of mocha is nowhere near as limited.
Nonetheless, my money would be on Coremelt, for price reasons alone. Then for reasons of integration as Noah mentioned. Aside from their plugins being a definite “must have” for FCP in my book either way. And a point tracker (Motion’s) will never be able to do as good of a job as a planar one. And you already know AE can’t do it, so what do you have to lose?
And you realize, too, that there are DEMOS of all the Coremelt plugins??
– RK
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Jeff Kirkland
August 23, 2016 at 12:05 pm[Robin S. Kurz] “Nonetheless, my money would be on Coremelt, for price reasons alone.”
Absolutely true but the original poster mentioned that they’ve already tried tracking it in AE – and I’m only assuming they used Mocha AE when they tried – so if that failed, the Coremelt plugins aren’t likely to fare any better.—–
(For some reason I can\’t edit my own posts so apologies in advance for the stupid mistakes and bad English that I can\’t go back and fix)
Jeff Kirkland | Video Producer & Cinematographer
Melbourne, Australia | Twitter: @jeffkirkland -
Robin S. kurz
August 23, 2016 at 12:22 pm[Jeff Kirkland] “so if that failed, the Coremelt plugins aren’t likely to fare any better.”
I would only agree in so far, that no matter which of the two you use, if you simply just slap them on and hit “Track”, the default results will probably be very similar. But if you don’t utilize the various options and little tricks each offer (which, as I said, are almost entirely different in each… most definitely in terms of handling) on an initially failed track, then neither is going to do the job. If you do, it may very well work in one but not the other and vice versa. It all ultimately depends on the footage.
Again, there are demos, so there is an easy and FREE way of finding out. So, to be honest, I don’t even really understand the question. We don’t have the footage, so there’s no way we could even know and there is no one answer when it comes to something like tracking. Nothing we could say or recommend could top or be more useful than simply trying it.
But bottom line: if AE couldn’t in fact do it (assuming you actually tweaked the options to their full extent [and knew what they are], not just slap it on as described), then I doubt Slice or Track X are going to fair any better. I’d be surprised if they did, yes.
– RK
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Mark Smith
August 25, 2016 at 12:25 amI realize it’s a hypothetical question without the specifics of the shot that we are trying to track. After more research on the issue, our shooting scheme was flawed and no matter what we do at this point we ain’t gonna track our shot. The solution is neither track X , slice X, nor AE. THe solution is political and navigating a reshoot of our short scene and doing it right this time . Thanks all for their input. We were a few centimeters away from making it work, but in the end we have to bite the bullet and reshoot.
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