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Activity Forums Media 100 Shooting with Sony FS5 for Media 100

  • Shooting with Sony FS5 for Media 100

    Posted by John Tarby on June 8, 2021 at 1:45 pm

    I shoot XAVCHD files on my Sony PXW-FS5 and have difficulty importing to media 100.

    Does anybody have any tips how to manage this better. I resorted to’editready’ to alter files to ProRes422HQ. Is there a faster way?

    Andrew Mehta replied 3 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Andrew Mehta

    June 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm

    I’ve used EditReady too in a similar fashion, and since the subsequent media fast-imports to Media 100 once in Pro Res, it does seem a fast way. Of course it would be great if the two programs were integrated, so I could just bring media straight into Media 100. In terms of other ways, you can use other tools instead of EditReady – I used Sony’s Catalyst Browse just before I discovered EditReady (I think EditReady is better personally). Or you can speed things up with hardware.

    Look on the Atomos website, you can filter their products by Camera – selecting Sony and PXW-FS5 for example, and see they have a number of products that can work with your camera and record straight to Pro Res so you can then immediately fast import to Media 100, without waiting for EditReady or Catalyst Browse to do their thing.

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