Serious Issues with Web ?
Hello Everybody,
I have just started with designing and really thrilled with the Power of Web. Though I am new to this field I have few OUT OF THE BOX questions in my mind ! So I feel COW is the best place to post them and get quick answers.
1)I am redeisgning my clients site! Initially the first designer didnt take any serious efforts to optimize it. Now my clients wants it redeisngned ! So if I put some efforts using Meta TAGS proper TITLES and PROPER Attributes for ALT then will it be helpful. I mean the site is online from last 2+ yrs. So will Search engine like Google, Yahoo , Alta Vista will re-Index it ?
2)About META TAGS : How much we can specify is there any specifc restriction? How to specify them? Like in only one huge line in NOTEPAD (PC) that user needs to scroll a lot horizontally or make few lines so that user need not to scroll.
3) Say i have a URL http://www.xyz.com/abc.html and i have removed that page from my directory. Its 404 ERROR. Is there any way that i can re-direct the user to another URL when he types the above mentioned (non-availble URL).
May be I think outside the BOX here..
Hope you understands my thinking.
Thnx. to all for taking time to read.