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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Self-illuminating 3D layers?

  • Self-illuminating 3D layers?

    Posted by Paulo Jan on March 21, 2012 at 11:47 pm

    Hi all:

    Does anybody know how can I make a 3D layer with self-illumination? I know that, if you don’t add any light to a scene, the 3D layers will look the same than if they were in 2D, but I’m in a situation where I need lights in the scene to affect some layers and not others, and I want the latter ones to be fully visible.

    Walter Soyka replied 12 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jeff Hinkle

    March 22, 2012 at 12:25 am

    If you don’t want them to be affected at all by any lights in the scene, twirl down Material Options and deselect Accepts Lights.

  • Walter Soyka

    March 22, 2012 at 12:48 am

    You may also be able to use light adjustment layers.

    To make a light layer into a light adjustment layer, click its black-and-white cookie adjustment switch. It will then only affect the layers in the comp beneath it. Adjustment lights are not 2D adjustment layers, so they won’t break 3D intersections like traditional adjustment layers do.

    Unlike disabling Accept lights in the material settings, this will allow your other objects to continue to react to other lights in the scene, but this may require clever re-arrangement of your layer stacking order to get the effect you want, and it’s not as flexible as a full 3D app’s lighting exclusion controls may be.

    Walter Soyka
    Principal & Designer at Keen Live
    Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting
    RenderBreak Blog – What I’m thinking when my workstation’s thinking
    Creative Cow Forum Host: Live & Stage Events

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