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Activity Forums Broadcasting Seeking help with .M2T files…

  • Seeking help with .M2T files…

    Posted by Louis Spoon on April 21, 2021 at 5:52 pm

    Hello, I work at a small cable station and our broadcasting software requires .m2t file container with .ac3 audio. I was using Episode 7 for years to do this, but now Episode is not working (can’t connect to Node is the error I receive.) I’ve tried reinstalling and I am trying to avoid paying for additional software. I have to convert .mov and .mp4 to .m2t regularly, almost weekly, and I am missing clients now because of Episode 7 flopping on me. I can’t find any good programs that will convert files to .m2t and it seems to be a rare subject online. Anyone have experience with this or have any suggestions? I’m trying to solve ASAP because we have clients who need their commercials on air.

    thanks in advance. 🙂

    Louis Spoon replied 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Louis Spoon

    April 21, 2021 at 7:07 pm

    These are the guidelines sent from our Tech support: Is this achievable without Episode? is there another program I can use? 🙂


    MPEG-TS, CBR no larger than 19.0Mbps


    MPEG2, CBR no larger than 15.0Mbps


    AC3, CBR no larger than 192kbps

  • Louis Spoon

    April 30, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    is this forum dead? 🙁
    My posts on reddit keep getting deleted. i don’t know how to use reddit.
    Anyone can point me in a good direction?


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