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Activity Forums Adobe Encore DVD Seamless transition from video to menu

  • Seamless transition from video to menu

    Posted by Joseph Lavender on October 2, 2023 at 1:04 am

    So, I know this software is kind of old and not really supported these days, but there’s still not a whole ton of options for this sort of thing, even in 2023.

    So, what I am trying to do.. and it may not even be possible… you’ve seen DVD menus where when you click the button on the main menu for say, “Bonus features” a video will play, and then that video will transition to a still frame, which will then transition into the Bonus Features menu, almost like the video IS the menu, making it very interactive. In my case, when you press the bonus features button, a video plays of a guy turn a VHS tape around so you can see the back. When the video stops, the menu options appear. The problem is that the only way I’ve been able to figure out how to do this at all, is to have the video as a motion menu, with the end action linking to a menu that is the last frame of the video with the menu elements on it. The last frame of the video when it stops also has the graphics for the menu that will pop up on it, so it will look like ONE smooth transition.

    But, when Encore swaps to the next menu in the sequence it has a delay and there’s a frame of black in between switching, so it doesn’t look quite right. Is this even possible?

    Joseph Lavender replied 1 year, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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