Script that changes the duration of some compositions and arrange them on timeline
a couple of mounths ago i have dicoverd After Effects and i started learn to work with it, but now i am stuck with my new project, becouse my scripting and expressions skills are almost 0.The project looks like this Project screenshot,and it has:
3 audio files named audio 1.wav, audio 2.wav, audio 3.wav
3 compositions named Song 1, Song 2, Song 3 wich include each one the coresponding audio file
1 composition named Render Comp which include the 3 Song compositions.My intention is to create some kind of template, becouse i will have to render
some videos with different audio files.My question is: is it posible to create a script which:
1. on click changes the duration of each “Song” composition using the length of its corresponding audio file
2. arrange the “Song” compositions one after each other in the Render Comp, and cut the Render Comp duration at the end of Song 3 composition?If is possible, can i have a little help with the code please, if is not too much, because i am quite new in scripting and i don’t have any idea how to do it. Thanks in advance