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Activity Forums Avid Media Composer .scc files

  • .scc files

    Posted by Glenn Sakatch on February 20, 2016 at 5:42 pm

    I’m cross posting this, in case any Avid people have experience in this as well.

    Now that Avid will import an .scc file, and display the captions in the program, i’m wondering if exporting that sequence to the mxf file will automatically include both 708 and 608 captions?

    Avid only lets me bring in one data track, and i know if i bring in an aaf caption file it does export both 608 and 708 captions.

    But I’m not sure if it is converting the .scc file to both formats on export. If not, I’m less pumped about the .scc ability then I was before.

    Also, does anyone know if Avid can display 708 captions inside the program, or just 608? Is there a setting for this somewhere?



    Joseph Owens replied 8 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Michael Phillips

    February 20, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    I don’t believe Avid does anything natively for 608 (Line 21 analog) captions.


  • Glenn Sakatch

    February 21, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    Hi Michael, are you saying your assumption is the viewer is showing 708 captions, or that it only exports 708 captions?


  • Michael Phillips

    February 21, 2016 at 8:04 pm

    My assumption is CC is only supported by the data track in the HANC/VANC areas of the HD content. No support at all as you would find with line 21 for standard definition analog. .


  • Glenn Sakatch

    February 22, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    And perhaps part of this is my lack of knowledge. I understand 608 to be SD captioning as well, but if i bring in a .scc file, export it as mxf file, both Premiere and Switch show me the captions in the 608 stream, but not the 708 stream.

    MediaInfo tells me there is something in the 708 stream as well, (but perhaps it is an empty caption track?)

    I need an expert on captioning to chime in and explain what i’m seeing, and what i’m outputting.


  • Joseph Owens

    February 22, 2016 at 7:31 pm

    This would be a question for either Jason Livingstone or Giovanni Galvez of Telestream to answer definitively.

    My understanding of .scc is that it supports EIA608/Line21 only and that people still ask for them associated with HD out of ignorance that it is not 708 compliant. Some caption authoring software will allow you to import a scenarist file to generate EIA708-wrapped stand-alone files, such as .cap, .aaf, and the soon-to-be more widely recognized .mcc as the VANC-compatible donor file.

    The fact that several NLEs and disk-authoring software allow the import of .scc glosses over the reality that while the text and time-stamp are just fine, all the other metadata isn’t, including the extremely important requirement (being enforced more rigorously now) for custom positioning on-screen. This is not part of the 608-Line21 technical description, but it is a major feature of 708. The other issue is that scc is tied to 29.97 and if you try to make one that is some other frame rate, the authoring program will warn you (or should warn) that you are not EIA-compliant anymore, and if your work is gong to be QC’d for broadcast, either be prepared to justify the export or wonder if the deliverables are being grab-bagged from the internet and they are just adding more” important-sounding stuff” to the document.


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