Same expression works in one comp but not in the others
I have a main comp (“footage strip”) with 4 nested comps named set1, set2, set3, and set4; each has a marker at different times.
Inside each “Set” comp there is a few layers, one of which needs to fade in when the markers in the outer comp layers are passed, for that I added this expression to the opacity:
c=comp(“footage strip”);
l= c.layer(thisComp.name);
d=comp(“footage strip”).layer(“xp”).effect(“fd”)(“Slider”);
The problem is that it works as expected on Set1 but it does nothing on the remaining three, there is no error warning, it just stays at 0 after the markers are passed on each layer in the top comp.
I tried replacing thisComp.name with the index for each layer (which defeats the purpose of the expression anyway) and didn’t work either.
Thanks in advance for your help.