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Rumor of a New Mac Coming to a Store Near You
Posted by John Fishback on October 18, 2007 at 6:05 pmChi-ho Lee replied 17 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
Jeff Carpenter
October 18, 2007 at 7:07 pmThat article, boiled down, says this:
At some point in the future, the Mac Pro machines will have faster processors in them.
Forgive us if we’re not too excited over this amazing prediction. The thing with Apple rumors is they are either inacurate or un-exciting. This one is very accurate, with lots of details. Unfortunately that means it doesn’t say much in terms of predictions. I wouldn’t change any of my plans based on it.
John Fishback
October 18, 2007 at 7:45 pmWhat drove me to post this was the fact that I got burned this summer with a MacBook Pro purchase I received the day Apple announced the new one. C’est la vie! Now I’m getting ready to upgrade to an Octo and this will cause me to wait a while longer.
The article states, “The new 8-core Harpertown Mac Pro should debut anytime after mid-November and almost certainly by Macworld Expo in January.“
Dual 2.5 G5 4 gigs RAM OS 10.4.8 QT7.1.3
Dual Cinema 23 Radeon 9800
FCP Studio 5 (FCP5.1.2, DVDSP4.1.1, Comp2.3, STP1.1, Motion 2.1.2)
Huge U-320R 1TB Raid 3 firmware ENG15.BIN
ATTO UL4D driver 3.50
AJA IO driver 2.1 firmware v23-28
Pro Tools HD w SYNC IO, Yamaha DM1000, Millennia Media HV-3C, Neuman U87s, Genelec Monitors, PrimaLT ISDN -
Walter Biscardi
October 18, 2007 at 7:57 pm[John Fishback] “The article states, “The new 8-core Harpertown Mac Pro should debut anytime after mid-November and almost certainly by Macworld Expo in January.””
You mean the rumor states this. Anytime after November is a very long time. You purchase a machine when you’re ready to purchase it. A faster machine will always be “coming out soon” and if you keep waiting you’ll never purchase a new machine.
I’ve said it quite a few times on these forums, I’m just waiting for the next speed bump before we make a purchase. Our G5 Quad, Mac Pro Quad 3.0 and G5 Dual 2.0 are all performing wonderfully and there was no need for me to jump out to the first Octo core machine.
When Apple’s ready to release the next machine, I’ll make the purchase, but honestly if I needed a machine tomorrow, I would just buy another Quad machine and be done with it.
Walter Biscardi, Jr.
HD Editorial & Animation for Broadcast and independent productions.All Things Apple Podcast!
Read my blog!
John Fishback
October 18, 2007 at 8:23 pmWalter, I was thinking of you when I saw this rumor. I remember one of your posts about getting a new machine toward the end of the year. Of course, you’re right. The differences between a new machine and old are usually incremental. I just like to go with the latest when I’m buying. I still use a Quadra 900 with a Sonic Solutions audio editing system that works great – and in real time.
Dual 2.5 G5 4 gigs RAM OS 10.4.8 QT7.1.3
Dual Cinema 23 Radeon 9800
FCP Studio 5 (FCP5.1.2, DVDSP4.1.1, Comp2.3, STP1.1, Motion 2.1.2)
Huge U-320R 1TB Raid 3 firmware ENG15.BIN
ATTO UL4D driver 3.50
AJA IO driver 2.1 firmware v23-28
Pro Tools HD w SYNC IO, Yamaha DM1000, Millennia Media HV-3C, Neuman U87s, Genelec Monitors, PrimaLT ISDN -
Chi-ho Lee
October 18, 2007 at 8:47 pmNo one would suggest making your business decisions based on these rumors (although many other industries do make decisions based on rumors or rumblings in the streets). Nonetheless, it’s fun to hear what may be coming up in the pipelines.
The exception of the upgrade being incremental was from G4PB to intel macbook Pros. It leap quite a few steps.
Chi-Ho Lee
Film & Video Editor
Apple Certified Final Cut Pro Trainer
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