RT quits working in XDCAM EX timeline
I’m editing a project in XDCAM EX 1080i/60, 35mbs. I have render set to Prores, timeline is “Safe Rt”/dynamic playback.
Every 6 or 10 edits my RT for dissolves turns from green to red, for no apparent reason. If I shut down, trash prefs with FCP rescue and restart the project, everything starts working again, but after awhile I get the same problem. Any clue what’s going on or how to solve the problem.
I’ve edited a dozen or show 1 hour shows on this same system/same format and have never run into this.
I’m on a Mac Pro, dual quad core, 3ghx, 10 GB ram & my video drive is an xserve raid, running OSX 10.5.6 & QT 7.6.