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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Ripple delete

  • Steven L. gotz

    April 12, 2005 at 5:15 pm

    If the audio is linked to the video, you may not have room to do the ripple delete. You may have to adlust the audio to make room.

    Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 / After Effects 6.5 Pro
    Learning Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5
    Contributing Writer, PeachPit Press, Visual QuickPro Guide, Premiere Pro 1.5

  • Hector Melendez

    April 12, 2005 at 5:40 pm

    If there any chance to unlink the audio from the audio track 2 with respect to the video?? I had done this but with the audio/video of track 1. Can’t find the way with track 2

  • Hector Melendez

    April 13, 2005 at 1:35 am

    Thanks all
    Decided to add the sound music track for the last. This way have not to lead with this “defect”… My other NLE permit all of this easy.

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