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Activity Forums Adobe Media Encoder RGB+Alpha Channels option

  • RGB+Alpha Channels option

    Posted by Paul Benson on July 5, 2024 at 9:16 pm

    I searched for alpha, and this issue did not appear.

    Basically, something has changed in Media Encoder since I last used it. I am using ME v24.5 and I can’t for the life of me find the option to choose RGB+Alpha for my Channels. I don’t even see a Channels option. I’ve tried QuickTime, AVI, and H.264.

    In ME’s queue, I click on the Format for the clip. I then see ‘Export Settings’ in the top right of the window. I can choose to export the video and/or audio and a quick summary. Beneath that is a section for Effects, Video, Audio, etc. In the Video section, I can choose the dimensions, frame rate, etc., but no channels option. Beneath this section is a few check boxes, and one of them says to just output the alpha channel. But I want both.

    Must be missing something obvious.



    Paul Benson replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Paul Benson

    July 8, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    Maybe answered. It appears the channels option is removed and you have to choose a preset that states ‘plus alpha’. I ended up using Quicktime and a profile with alpha. Oddly, I couldn’t find it for AVI, and that is what I’ve used in the past.

    Note that even when I choose the profile with alpha, I still don’t see a specific setting that is tied to this. I’m still curious if I am missing something obvious, as removing the Channels option seems odd.

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