Restoring old Bru tapes
A week ago, I just had a client drop off an old LTO5 tape from 2015 that I had backed up with Bru. They needed some old media restored from it.
I’ve transitioned to LTFS on all my current systems but maintained an old MBP with MacOS 10.12 and a running Bru installation. Alas. The MBP refused to charge up, possibly due to a MagSafe adapter that was probably not working.
And none of my newer (MacOS 10.15 and up) could install Bru ver 3 which is what I have a license for.
So, I downloaded Argest from the Bru web site, and installed it on my current LTO system – a Mac mini (w Mac OS 10.15). When launched, obviously Argest gave me the unlicensed warning. But, Argest has a ‘recovery only mode’ (or words to that effect) which I guess doesn’t need licensing or a purchase (or so it seems).
Using that, I could restore whatever I needed from that old Bru LTO tape.
So I guess this is a solution for those with old Bru tapes and no current system to run on.
Of course, keeping and maintaining an LTO-6 or LTO-5 drive is another thing to consider.
By the way I did have catalogs for that tape saved. But since the MBP with the catalogs wouldn’t start up I couldn’t access them. Not to worry. Argest can read a Bru tape and import the tape catalog through which you can select assets to restore.
And, subsequently, I managed to get another power adapter and charge up that Bru MBP, so all good there. Now I have a bootable clone of that MBP’s drive so I can use that o boot another system should another Bru requirement come up.