Reprieve: Compressor 4 works with Glue Tools..
Hi Everyone..
I have just completed some testing with Compressor. It does appear to be a 32-bit application that still supports QuickTime 7. This is great news, as footage can be transcoded as needed!
So, for the record, our packages are able to work with Compressor 4:
– Phantom Cine Toolkit v2.5.2385 (fully compatible with Compressor *ONLY* at this point.)
– ARRIRAW Toolkit v1.5.2380 (fully compatible with Compressor *ONLY* at this point.)At this time, there is no functionality with Motion 5 or with FCPX. I hope that in the future, Apple will expand the use of 3rd party QuickTime components with both FCPX and Motion 5.
Stay tuned for the results of Cineon/DPX Pro testing.
https://www.gluetools.comRobert Monaghan, CEO
Glue Tools LLC
POBox 24124
Santa Barbara, CA, 93121
United Statestel: +1 805 456 7997
fax: +1 805 456 7998