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  • Rendering taking a very long time

    Posted by Charlie Herrick on February 11, 2019 at 3:04 pm

    I have a 40 min. long video in After Effects of a person sitting, talking in front of a green screen. The green has been keyed out using Keylight (with the key cleaner/suppressor combo). I’ve also added a color effect to darken the background (a still image), an unsharp mask and Red Giant Denoiser III. I’m rendering to Quicktime ProRes 422.
    I wouldn’t think these would be complicated effects to render—but it’s been 18 hours and the job is only a quarter of the way done. Does this seem right, or could I have entered the wrong settings..?
    I’m on a Mac Pro (Late 2013) 3.5GHz 6-Core Intel; 64GB RAM; AMD FirePro D700 GFX w/ 6GB.
    I was considering investing in an external GFX breakout box—would that make rendering go faster..?

    Max Haller replied 6 years ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Tomas Bumbulevičius

    February 11, 2019 at 3:27 pm

    Hey Charlie,

    to understand this better:
    1. What are the footages specs which you were editing?
    2. Do you render through Render Queue or Media Encoder?

    40minutes of output render is significant length – it would be worth considering splitting project & output into few pieces. That way you would save yourself from trouble of potential ‘failed render/loss of output’ and improve utilisation of render machine as well.

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  • Yanda Satria

    February 11, 2019 at 3:58 pm

    in my experiences, denoiser is kind of a great deal when adding to render times…might want to try render without denoiser and see hong long it takes compare with using it…

    when i’m in a hurry i just render with highest bitrate but without denoiser, then re-render the result with desired quality with denoiser…

    might not the best solution but, that’s what i did.. :'(

    \”We will either find a way, or make one\”.
    -Hannibal Barca-

  • Daniel Waldron

    February 11, 2019 at 4:24 pm

    That seems about right to me, especially if your footage is 4K. The unsharp mask and Denoiser are killing your render times. An external GPU would certainly help with the Denoiser effect, but I would question whether it’s worth it. Depends on how much of this type of thing you do.

    I’m assuming you’re exporting this 40 minute clip to be edited later? Or is it the final video? In general, I try to apply sharpening or noise reduction only to the clips that need it in the final video.

  • Jeff Pulera

    February 11, 2019 at 5:23 pm

    There are 2 filters you can use that each take a VERY long time to render…and you are using BOTH of them, and on an older computer. Nice specs when it was new, not so much 6 years later. Plus also doing Keying and Color Correction as well.

    Using either DeNoiser or UnSharpMask can take 18-24+ hours EACH per hour of video on an older machine, in my experience. Sometimes when effects are combined, it actually takes much longer to render them all at once than it would to do them in separate passes.

    What I often do with DeNoiser it run that FIRST (overnight export) to create a new intermediate file (ProRes for instance). Then use that new, clean, denoised file to edit with and add more effects to. One reason is that with DeNoiser added, one cannot even scrub or play for any kind of decent preview as it bogs down so bad. So I do that before even beginning to edit.

    I can’t speak for AE, but here’s what I have done in the past with Premiere projects. I might completely edit a long-form video like a wedding ceremony, then decide I really should’ve used DeNoiser (but maybe didn’t want to delay starting the edit, so had skipped it).

    I can run DeNoiser on the raw footage clip, exporting as “” and then in Premiere use REPLACE and all my prior edits remain intact, but original media is replaced with the CLEAN footage.

    Another way aside from using “replace” is to rename the original clip, and give new DeNoised file the name of original clip, then when you re-open Premiere it doesn’t know the difference and just references the new clip thinking it’s the old clip. Of course, clip duration must match exactly, as it will if you process and export original clip without altering.

    So that’s why I might try, if estimated render time is like 3 days or something. DeNoise first, then start adding other effects. UnSharp is actually more render-intensive than DeNoiser, it’s bad!



  • Max Haller

    February 19, 2019 at 10:22 pm

    Wow thats a really long video! Are you trying to key out the whole thing in AE? Id recommend waiting until they know which pieces of the video will need to be keyed out first. I’ve never tried rendering 40 mins of video out of AE and the effects you’re using are very intensive. If you need to render this whole thing out, check out the render garden plug in.

    It might take better use of multicore cpu while you’re rendering. I don’t use it myself but i’ve heard good things.

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