rendering makes 16 passes for single image
Hi everyone
I’m hoping I’ve messed up. I’m trying to render out a fast moving animation in C4D r10 with a couple of multipass objects. I’ve also wanted to make use of depth of field, lens effects, object glow and scene motion blur.
I’m a relative newcomer to C4d, so apologies right now if I’m getting what I asked for, but I was quite surpised when each file took 16 passes to produce. I used to have C4d r9 and don’t remember the effects tab in render settings. Each file seemed to take 3 passes (one for the video and one each for the multipass)
The result is that my overnight render was only a third of the way through the entire sequence (thank goodness I was using image sequences rather than a single file). Is there something I can be doing to speed up the process, or are these passes the result of everything I’m asking it to do.