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Activity Forums Web Design (WordPress, Joomla, etc.) Remote Interviewing… Over Net, or ?

  • Remote Interviewing… Over Net, or ?

    Posted by Ralph Chaney on May 12, 2016 at 12:02 am


    I need to interview a number of people around the country and do it remotely, me in Calif. and others… elsewhere.

    -Does anyone know of a low-ish cost way to do that?
    -Any Links?
    -Anyone in News who would know how they do it?
    -*Net quality is ok for this project. Delivering for online e-learning.

    2. Do you know of any services like Skype or Zoom that are more stable? Zoom can record a conversation at 1280×720 but results can be uneven. Image can falter. I assume Skype is about the same. I can work with one of these if I must. *Any best-practices out there for these?

    3. What about recording video/audio on the interviewee’s computer? Using something like PhotoBooth (Mac) or Camera? (Windows). Photo Booth records at 640×480 but with much less artifacting, both video and audio. Any other apps you know of that record at higher res?

    *Whatever insights or leads you can give me would be MOST APPRECIATED!!!

    Thank you,

    -> Ralph

    Ralph Chaney replied 8 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Michael Iwasaki

    June 27, 2016 at 5:54 am

    Late but maybe this helps you…
    I have used Skype in the past with Quick time screencapture and Soundflower so that I can record the interview with sounds from both sides.
    But at the moment using Google Hangouts, where you can actually set it to record the video call for you. No need to use third party tools. Quality better than Skype. And it does actually toggle who is visible based on voice detection – based on who is talking.

  • Ralph Chaney

    June 27, 2016 at 5:40 pm

    Thanks, Michael.
    I did end up finding that Quicktime can record at the same time I use Skype or Zoom. I think this will work great, as I need to use a local recording to up the quality. Conference recordings are very handy but often they have audio out of sync and quality is lower if there’s a network or computer slowdown.

    Thanks again,

    -> Ralph

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