Creative Communities of the World Forums

The peer to peer support community for media production professionals.

Activity Forums Letters to the COW Team Remember me

  • Brie Clayton

    October 27, 2021 at 11:50 pm

    Hello Ann! Thank you for reaching out.

    That is odd that the COW is not remembering your login.

    For security, our site has all users login once every 24 hours, but if I understand you correctly, the mechanism is forcing you to type your actual email and password each time, right?

    I have not heard of this problem yet, so I will look into what may be causing this to happen.

    I will keep you posted!

  • Ann Bens

    October 29, 2021 at 11:35 am

    That is correct, I have to type in my email and pasword each time.

  • Brie Clayton

    October 29, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    In my research, I have come across a few things:

    -If you are using a phone to login to Creative COW, it looks as if there are select phones that have a hard time with the “remember me” checkbox. The iPhone6 had this problem in the past, for example. I do not know what other specific phones struggle with this at this time, however.

    -Another possibility is that if a user’s browser is configured to clear all cookies, when the browser is closed; the effect is as if the user is logged out, every time they close their browser; irregardless of whether or not the “Remember Me” box is checked.

    -It looks like the cookie is set to “remember” a user’s name and password for 14 days and 12 hours, if there happens to be a longer span of time between logins.

    I will continue to look into this, however.

    Additionally, Creative COW is working on a couple of updates within the next week or so that may solve this issue as well.

    Thank you for your patience Ann!

  • Ann Bens

    November 17, 2021 at 4:29 pm

    Forum still does not remember me.

    Its a real pita. So after 17 years its bye bye.

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