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  • Relink with different timecode and different fps

    Posted by Saruj Calvez on August 23, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    Hi everyone, I received a proxyfile to edit with. It was 50fps so I opened a 50fps project. Timecode Start 0

    Edit finished.

    I received now the high resolution file. 25fps and a different timecode.

    I really don’t know how to handle that. If I change the timecode in the clip attributes, the clip becomes offline. And even if I would export the high resolution file (duration:2 hours), with 50fps and starting timecode 0, I would still don’t know how to export the end movie with 25fps. Which is required, even if nobody told it before.


    Problem one: how to change the fps of a project OR use the EDL to create another project with the same edits and different fps?

    Problem two: how to change the start timecode of a file so that I can relink it?


    Thanks !!!


    Andrew Shtern replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Andrew Shtern

    August 23, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    Your first mistake was not asking about the delivery specs, which is the first thing you should know before starting the edit. It is in your best interest.

    The easiest solution would be to ask the client to provide the hi-res video with the same fps as the proxy file.

    Now let’s try to find other solutions. Is it a slo-mo video (50fps conformed to 25fps, i.e. 50% slower, twice longer), or it’s real-time, just rendered at a different framerate?

    If it’s the former, it is relatively easy to solve. You need to conform the footage back to 50fps and change the starting timecode. Both could be done in a Clip Attributes window (right-click on the clip in pool – Clip Attributes…). After that reconnect your edit with this clip. Render the edit at 50fps with some lossless codec, import it back into Resolve, conform to 25fps, and render again in delivery format. Done. As an alternative, you can create a new 25 fps timeline and drag your 50fps timeline into it. Ather way would be to copy all clips in 50fps timeline and paste them into 25fps timeline, but it would require thoroughly checking the edit because it can lead to shifting IN/OUT points and timeline gaps.

    If it’s the latter, you’re pretty much screwed. There’s no easy way out of this. Probably the only viable solution would be to put the source video into 50fps timeline, render the timeline, and use that render file to reconnect the edit. If necessary, adjust the starting timecode in the Clip Attributes window. Render the edit at 50fps, import it back, put it into 25fps timeline, and render again in delivery format. Done. You can actually set the render fps directly at the delivery page, but I prefer this way because you can play it and preview the result before rendering.

    In both cases, do not forget to set the Frame Interpolation in the project settings to Nearest, to avoid retiming artifacts.

  • Saruj Calvez

    August 25, 2024 at 7:38 am


    I created a new timeline with 25fps and I could copy paste the edit without mistakes.

    Now, I tried to change the starting timecode, but it doesn’t work. As soon as I give a different timecode the sequence becomes offline. Copying it is not an option, as I’m currently in a small village in the middle of Siberia, and badly enough without enough space for it (the film is really long!) and no external drive. Yeah, badly organised, I know.

    So, how do I change the start timecode on the high resolution file? If I managed this, I think I’m good.


  • Andrew Shtern

    August 25, 2024 at 9:23 am

    You need to change the timecode before reconnecting the edit to that file. If you do that after, it will result in ‘media offline’. But you won’t be able to reconnect the edit made with 50fps proxy source to 25fps hi-res source, this is not possible. You need to have everything at the same frame rate first. If you want to reconnect, your hi-res file needs to be identical to the proxy file you have. Same framerate, same timecode. If you don’t have the ability to do a few re-renders, as I described in the previous message, your only other option is re-doing the edit from scratch using the hi-res file as a source and offline edit as a reference.

  • Saruj Calvez

    August 26, 2024 at 9:09 am

    Amazingly enough, it worked. Here the exact steps for anyone having a similar issue.

    – Created a 25fps empty sequence in my 50fps project.

    – Copy pasted the 50fps timeline

    – Changed the attribute of the clip(s) in the timeline to 25fps

    – Unlink the clip(s)

    -Relink it with the 25fps High resolution clip(s)

    For any “magical” reason, even if the timecode differed between the low and the high resolution, and I did NOT adjust the timecode of the high resolution clip, after the relink, all the edits were correct!

    NOW: Another issue. The sound is there, but I do not see the audio waves. Noting to be done about it. I got an extra audio file but I do not know how to link it to the video without loosing the edit. So, what is it for a sound? How can I see the waves? The file is MPEG-4 AAC HD.


  • Andrew Shtern

    August 26, 2024 at 11:08 am

    I’m glad it worked for you. Oddly enough, sometimes the things which should not work theoretically, work practically, and vice versa 🙂 Maybe something changed in the latest versions, I think the last I tried that was in Resolve 12 or something.

    To force Resolve to refresh the waveforms you can try to delete your cache files. Waveform data resides in CacheClip/audio folder. You can find the location of your cache files in the project settings. Close Resolve before purging the cache.

  • Saruj Calvez

    August 27, 2024 at 9:39 am
  • Andrew Shtern

    August 27, 2024 at 10:06 am

    If that’s the name of your source file, yes. You can safely delete anything in the caches folder, it will be re-created by Resolve when necessary.

  • Saruj Calvez

    August 28, 2024 at 6:32 am

    It worked! The waveforms are now visible and my edit is rescued. Andrew, you are a super hero! Thank you so much!!!

    Greetings from beautiful siberia 😍

  • Brie Clayton

    August 28, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    Thank you for solving this, Andrew!

  • Andrew Shtern

    August 29, 2024 at 5:40 pm

    Hey, no big deal! I’m glad it helped.

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