Recording sound for Short Film & Voice Overs with Mbox and Rode NT2 mic on WinXP
Hi All,
I’m new to Creative COW and love it here! I’m an enthustic individual highly interested in putting a short film together for a local festival here in Melbourne-Australia.
I am some-what familiar with video editing, compositing etc as a hobby. I own a Canon XM2 3CCD camera. I am comfortable with recording, editing an so on, however, I have always been daunted by the “sound” factor. I have read many things on the web about recording sound for film, but still don’t feel confident enough with myself to feel that I have a grasp of “sound for film.”
I am 27 and a one man show, so to speak, and have been teaching myself as much as possible about film creation. I am in the medical profession and unfortunately, none of my friends or people I know are in the industry of film or sound. So I go to short courses after work (when time permits now and then) and read books and tutorials to educate myself in the art of film making.
Anyway, my question is this.
I run Win XP with descent system specs. I use Pinnacle Liquid Edition for my edits. Now, I own a digidesign MBOX with Pro Tools LE 6.4 and a RODE NT2 condenser Mic.
Is the Mbox with Pro Tools and the NT2 an adequate setup to record film quality sound and voice overs???
Or do I need something else?
Like I mentioned earlier, I am on my own and do this for the love of creativity – a hobby. I don’t do this for money, so I am ofcourse, working on a low budget as well.
Can anyone shed some light on this topic???Your responses are much appreciated.
Melbourne – Australia.