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Activity Forums Cinematography Recommendations for shooting in Greece

  • Recommendations for shooting in Greece

    Posted by Steven L. gotz on April 22, 2005 at 8:02 pm

    I will be shooting a lot of ruins and temples in Greece this June with my Sony FX1. And suggestions on settings of any kind, or ways to make what would be a perfect still shot into an interesting clip would be highly appreciated.

    I have some time to practice, so anything you think I should work on perfecting would be great to hear.

    I know how to set for backlit statues, and that is going to happen a lot if my trip to Italy a few years back taught me anything. But when shooting marble and ruins, does anyone have any favorite tips or tricks?

    I use a tripod, and can compose a decent shot, but I figured if anyone has experience in this area, it might be the folks in the Cinematography and Video Pros barn.

    Todd Mcmullen replied 19 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • John Sharaf

    April 22, 2005 at 8:10 pm

    Bon voyage!

    Have a great trip to Greece, and don’t forget to take a polarizing filter. It will make the sky an even more beautiful shade of blue; effectively darkening it and lowering the contrast to the light colored objects in the foreground.

    Otherwise have fun with your images. It might help to have some kind of plan in mind as to how you intend to put the pictures together into a finished project. This might help you focus on particular subjects or a particular visual treatment; not necessarily a “script” per se, but a general approach to your photography.


  • Steven L. gotz

    April 22, 2005 at 9:51 pm

    Pretty much I just shoot pretty pictures and put them to music to run on the HDTV for friends and at parties (and for stock footage for corporate stuff). The point is for people to look at the HDTV and just stare. They talk to each other, but can’t take their eyes off the screen. If I listen to the conversations, I know I did a good job if people constantly lose their train of thought.

    So I really need to get well focused and dramatic shots of places people want to go but can’t afford either because of time or money. I have a polorizing lens, however, it has been kind of a hassle to use because I have to remove the lens hood to use it. I am going to NYC next week and will be shopping for a lens cap to go over the polarizing lens if such a thing exists. I need to shop at B&H for a smaller camera bag and maybe a new fluid head tripod, and some tapes …. the usual.

    My real problem is that I went from a Canon ZR10 to a Sony HDR-FX1 without stopping along the way at a GL2 or VX2100 or whatever. So I lack certain skills. I figure somebody has done the Greece and Italy tours who got some nice shots using something I don’t know or wouldn’t think of. And maybe they can share.

    Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 / After Effects 6.5 Pro
    Learning Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5
    Contributing Writer, PeachPit Press, Visual QuickPro Guide, Premiere Pro 1.5

  • Todd Mcmullen

    April 25, 2005 at 11:15 pm

    check out other shots that interest you. I like having something close in foreground with your subject in background. Europe is great for this. Also, get a tiffen filter kit to fit your lens with nd grads, tobacco grads, blue grads, etc, any color grad you like. you can use them in a variety of ways, above, below, sideways,etc a little goes a long way.

    best of luck,

    Todd McMullen
    Flip Flop Films

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