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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy Raw .DV vs AVI

  • Posted by Derek Fremd on November 5, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    Not sure where to post this newbie-like question but since I am editing in FCP will do so here. My HD workflow has been recording HDV to CF cards on my Sony HVRS270U. The MRC1 CF recorder on the camera can record in either AVI or Raw DV. I have been using the Raw but am unclear on the difference between that and AVI. Does one format offer advantages over the other?

    Frank Castle replied 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Tom Wolsky

    November 5, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    Neither is great for FCP. .dv is the muxed DV stream format used in iMovie, but needs rendering in FCP. AVIs will need rendering in FCP as well as the codec implementation is different from QuickTime, and FCP is QuickTime based.

    All the best,


    Class on Demand DVDs “Complete Training for FCP7,” “Basic Training for FCS” and “Final Cut Express Made Easy”
    Author: “Final Cut Pro 5 Editing Essentials” and “Final Cut Express 4 Editing Workshop”

  • Rafael Amador

    November 5, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    If you have no other solution but “.dv’ or”DV.avi”, go to the DV.avi.
    Re-wrap them as .mov with MPGStreamclip (save as..).
    Fast; no rendering needed, no quality lost.

  • Frank Castle

    April 1, 2024 at 12:47 am


    I realize this thread is ancient. Really ancient. But who knows, someone might still be keeping an eye on it. With that said, I attempted to rewrap a .DV file using MPGStreamclip following the method you outlined – the “save as” method. However, the quality turned out to be quite poor. Much worse than the original, the .DV file from the MRC1. So, I gave exporting to QuickTime a shot, opting for “Motion JPEG A” compression, and surprisingly, the quality resembles that of the original.

    What are your thoughts on this? Am I merely rewrapping, or is this essentially a conversion?


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