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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations Quote”FCPX might win….”

  • Richard Cardonna

    April 9, 2013 at 3:07 am

    do you have a link to the presentation?


  • Chris Harlan

    April 9, 2013 at 5:35 am

    [Robert d'Alexis] “[Chris Harlan] “I’ve watching Adobe presentations today. It’s pretty dang blow-away.”

    Would you care to express yourself further? 🙂

    I will, but right now I’m pretty exhausted. Off the top of my head, the DNx support, the opening of project elements in other projects, Audition frequency splitters for 5.1 mix, advanced gain control. It just goes on and on. These guys have really worked this program. CS Next, as they seem to want to call it here, is really pretty impressive.

    In other brief notes–I enjoyed my visit to Editshare. The Mac version of Lightworks should be coming in 3-4 weeks, and it looks really tight. It really is a beautiful alternative. Saw a terrific Mocha demo. Mary Poplin makes it look easy, and convinced me that I must have it. OWC has some interesting, fast, relatively inexpensive san storage. Relatively inexpensive for SAS RAIDs, that is. GoPro had a terrific both, with an excellent discount for attendees, and a bitchin’ looking 4K 3D demo that was achieved with the cost of two GoPros and a stereophonic separator that they will also market. So 4K 3D @ around 1K. Who’d a thunk it? They also had all kinds of drone rigs and fancy mini helicopters sporting GoPro mounts on display.

    I’m enjoying myself immensely, but I am dog tired.

  • Chris Harlan

    April 9, 2013 at 6:06 am

    [Andrew Kimery] “[Richard Cardonna] “If Adobe becomes subscription only (as rumore) Then fcpx will gain thousands of adobe refugies. Including me”

    Official comment from Adobe:

    “We are not doing away with perpetual licenses. They will continue with CS7 and beyond.

    But yes currently there is a bit of a marketing push towards Creative Cloud.”

    Yes. They are clearly pushing the benefits of cloud, but also are very clear that perpetual licenses will remain.

  • Derek Andonian

    April 9, 2013 at 6:58 am

    [Chris Harlan] Off the top of my head, the DNx support

    When you’re feeling more energetic, I was curious- Can you change a clip or clips that are already in you project to DNxHD within Premiere after you start editing, or does it have to be imported that way?

    “Up until here, we still have enough track to stop the locomotive before it plunges into the ravine… But after this windmill it’s the future or bust.”

  • Chris Harlan

    April 9, 2013 at 8:46 am

    [Greg Andonian] “[Chris Harlan] Off the top of my head, the DNx support

    When you’re feeling more energetic, I was curious- Can you change a clip or clips that are already in you project to DNxHD within Premiere after you start editing, or does it have to be imported that way?


    It supports both decoding and encoding of DNx MXF, so if I understand you correctly, the answer is yes.

  • Alban Egger

    April 9, 2013 at 8:49 am

    I have read the top ten new features on a blog and was kinda underwhelmed from a distance. It always looks great when they treat you, but leaning back, trying to digest it all coming over the twitter feeds and knowing what I have in FCPX…..I don´t know what I expected of Adobe. Maybe to finally give up the track-paradigm .. haha.
    The dogfight between those two has now begun and we can only make sure to know both…..

  • Timothy Auld

    April 9, 2013 at 10:03 am

    Did you notice any significant changes to the Premiere multicam feature? Are you still forced to work largely in the timeline? I had plans to get out there for just a day but I can see now that it’s just
    not gonna happen this year.


  • Richard Cardonna

    April 9, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    thanks for the info. anymore info.


  • Chris Harlan

    April 9, 2013 at 5:08 pm

    [alban egger] “I have read the top ten new features on a blog and was kinda underwhelmed from a distance. It always looks great when they treat you, but leaning back, trying to digest it all coming over the twitter feeds and knowing what I have in FCPX…..I don´t know what I expected of Adobe.”

    I suppose people are generally underwhelmed with advances they don’t need or use. DNx is huge for me. With my workflow, going back and forth between my Avid and my Legacy projects is a really big deal. The ability to browse inside projects and select material is huge. I won’t belabor it, but its a major update. Of course, if none of the stuff is useful to you, than you are going to be–as you say–underwhelmed.

    [alban egger] “Maybe to finally give up the track-paradigm .”

    I’m grateful they didn’t. But, hopefully, if they ever do, they’ll do it in a way that allows for instant differentiation of groups of audio elements, which is something Apple has so far failed to do.

    [alban egger] “The dogfight between those two has now begun and we can only make sure to know both…..”

    There’s no dogfight beteen X and Pr, just differing markets with a large overlap. The necessary NLEs, for me, are Pr, MC, 7 and possibly Lightworks. X is fascinating in its own right, but the need to know it is, for me, not in sight yet.

  • Chris Harlan

    April 9, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    [Richard Cardonna] “thanks for the info. anymore info.


    On what?

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