Questions for Long Time Vegas Pro users
Hello all, I am thinking about using Vegas Pro for fast turnaround short projects. First, let me give you a little short background. First off, I am just a home user editing family events, vacations, Air and Auto shows etc. I have used the Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, until they went subscription base and now DaVinci Resolve. I have been trying to use Vegas all the back from Version 13 never could get it to work of always crash. I now have Vegas Pro Post Vegas 21 which looks like it is running very smooth and faster now. I just started a project, and I will see if I can complete it. I have the Perpetual license version. And I have Boris Continuum to use with it. Now the questions.
1. I see there is a Vegas 22 now but no more Vegas Post and Vegas Effects, just Vegas Pro Suite. If I upgrade, will it remove Vegas Effects and Vegas Image?
2. As mentioned above, I have the Perpetual license version, but what advantages for the subscription version? Basically, is it worth it?
Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.