QNAP and 10Gig-E
So, we recently bought two new MacPro systems for our art department, and instead of the Areca based RAIDs we requested, the IT department bought a QNAP NAS box.
I’m not sure of the exact model, but the QNAP has two 10Gig-E ports, and about 6 or the 16 drive bays populated. There are also now SmallTree 10Gig-E cards installed in each of the two MacPros.
Currently they are configured that I connect to the QNAP as a network share via SAMBA (cifs).
Won’t I run into the 64bit quicktime bug where I can’t write movie bigger than 2GB from After Effects?
If I’m editing in Premiere, will I run into conflicts if both systems try to edit from the same material?
I’m not sure what to expect as I wade into this new vista I’ve been provided.