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Activity Forums Compression Techniques Prores to MP4 + markers

  • Prores to MP4 + markers

    Posted by Rob Gutermuth on June 14, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    Hi All

    what is the best software out there that will give me “almost” prores quality in an MP4? Source is usually 1080 60p or 4k 60p

    Also, is there a way to export chapter markers? like for DVD’s and BluRay you could export these and programs like DVD Studio Pro would import them. – I wanted to do the same thing with MP4 files prior to export, so I dont have to re-encode them or anything.

    Just wanted to name the sections of the video – like for a wedding, Vows, Rings, First Dance, etc… and you could jump right there to start viewing…

    I would think there is a program that could do that, or even a plug in for FCPX, etc.. (Yeah, im a Mac Guy)


    Mads Nybo jørgensen
    replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply

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