Pro-Cache5 Tape Crash Error “Table ‘file’ marked as crashed…”
We had a tape crash mid transfer yesterday and now we are experiencing tape issues that are prohibiting us from fully accessing the tape. It is giving us this error in the File Manager:
“1194 – Table ‘file’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired
SELECT filename,id,parent_id,type,size,mtime FROM file WHERE (toc_id=281 && parent_id=0) GROUP BY (filename) ORDER BY filename,mtime DESC;
In the logs we are seeing this error:
“Table ‘file’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired at /usr/cache-a/lib/CatalogLib.pl line 1413. ”If anyone has any suggestions on how to remedy this, we would greatly appreciate it, as there is no longer support for this model.
Thank you