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  • Premiere pro GPU

    Posted by Darin Morash on December 21, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    Hi there, i have a acer nitro 5 laptop that i use quite frequently for about a year with creative cloud. It’s done everything i’ve asked from it up until a few days ago. It has a intel i9 GPU and a Geforce RTX 3060 for the heavy lifting. Up until the last update, it no longer uses the Geforce and uses the intel for playback and rendering. The computer is definitely weaker/slower now than it used to be. I’d go back to the old premiere, but i’m also sharing the project file with other editors so i need to be on the current version. i’ve gone into windows graphics settings already forcing windows to use the geforce with premiere but it has other opinions on that and decides to go with the intel. Any ideas on the missing piece of the puzzle?

    Tom Morton replied 10 months, 2 weeks ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Hector Vera

    December 21, 2023 at 3:57 pm

    Its pretty weird after installing the latest Adobe Premiere Pro version, it would force you to render with a CPU and the GPU is obviously so much better. I sometimes have a hard time keeping it at GPU acceleration on my Sony Vegas. I found this guide from the Adobe Website:

    Sometimes even doing the geforce GPU setting on Windows does not always reflect on other applications apparently. Did you checked the rendering settings in Premiere Pro? Hope the link I gave you helped in some ways.

  • Dennis Dean

    December 21, 2023 at 4:12 pm

    I’m not a Windows user but an older Mac I used to run Premiere on booted one day and told me the graphics card needed updating. Didn’t need it so I haven’t done it. You might try updating firmware? Just a thought.

  • Rob Ainscough

    December 21, 2023 at 5:29 pm

    Hi Dennis,

    It’s been over a year since I worked with Adobe CC suite (sorry moved onto DaVinci Resolve as it’s a much better platform), but a couple of things to recommend so that you can use the GPU in Pr:

    1. Disable the embedded CPU’s graphics unit via your BIOS/EFI settings. You should be able to boot into your laptop EFI/BIOS and locate the embedded graphics setting and set it to disable. This will ensure that the ONLY GPU Pr can use will be your nVidia 3060. However, it’s still not a guarantee it will and might fallback to software rendering (see #2 below).

    2. Manually download the nVidia 3060 “Studio” drivers (important, do NOT get the GRD – Game Ready Drivers). Get DDU from Guru3D. This will remove all vestiges of nVidia drivers but needs to be run in Windows safe mode and you need to disconnect NIC or turn off Wifi so as to avoid Windows trying to find and install a driver. Once you’ve completed DDU process and booted back into “normal” windows mode (with network still disabled), then run the nVidia 3060 “Studio” driver install. Once installed, then reboot and connect back to your network (NIC/Wifi).

    You’re probably reading this going OMG what a pain in the as_ … and yes it is a pain. But it’s the best method to try to resolve your issue with Pr not using the GPU.

    Cheers, Rob.

  • Tom Morton

    January 3, 2024 at 7:59 am

    Plus 1 on downloading the Nvidia drivers. For my Dell tower PC, if I let the Dell update software do it’s job, it will try to install the wrong version of the Nvidia driver, which Premiere Pro doesn’t like. When this happens I visit the Nvidia website, find the correct driver and install and this usually does the trick. PITA I know but this stuff does happen with Adobe!

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