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  • Premiere Instagram export setup

    Posted by Fernando Alves on March 16, 2022 at 7:28 pm


    I have been exporting some videos for Instagram. My workflow is like that:

    – Record my footage in Sony a7sIII (some files in XAVCS 4K, a couple in XACS-I 4K);

    – Trancode this Sony’s files to Apple Pro Res 422 and edit it in a 1080p timeline;

    – Export my Master from Adobe Premiere in Apple Pro Res 422 (Match Sequence Settings) in 1920×1080;

    – From Adobe Media Encoder export .mp4 for Instagram.

    Media Encoder setup for Instagram’s videos:

    Format: H.264

    Preset: Match Source – High bitrate

    In Encoding settings:

    Profile: High

    Level: 4.1

    In Bitrate settings:

    Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 2 pass

    Target Bitrate: 10

    Maximum Bitrate: 15

    Use Maximum Render Quality

    I noticed that some videos are blurry when I uploaded in Instagram. After make my .mp4 from Media Encoder, I open the .mp4 in VLC and it is the same color of the Pro Res 422 Master. Then I upload and I have noticed some videos are less saturated and blurry then my .mp4.

    That is the thing, some videos looks like the export video, others don’t look like the export videos in Instagram.

    Does anybody have this issues? I have been doing a resource in the web, but haven’t find much about it.


    Fernando Alves

    Video Editor

    Craig Seeman replied 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Craig Seeman

    March 16, 2022 at 10:04 pm

    Content can impact encoding quality given the same encoder settings.

    Fast motion and fine detail can appear softer. They may need a much higher bitrate setting.

    Sometimes gradient colors can be a problem too. Believer or not, adding a little noise can help in those situations.

    Sometimes the CDN doesn’t handle certain types of content as well as others.

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