PPro and Boris Continuum…
Hi. I’m using the most recent version of PPro (Jan 2025), but I have an older version of Boris Continuum Effects, version 14 released in 2021. Has anyone had success using a setup like this? I only ask because my PPro wouldn’t load anymore after I installed the Boris effects, under Windows 10. I uninstalled and reinstalled both, but no luck. Been using PPro for 20 years, and have not had any problems over the last several years using a fast, video only machine. I haven’t tried the old Boris program on my other new Windows 11 machine yet and am hesitant to do so. I only use a few modules from Continuum, so I didn’t want to subscribe if it could be avoided. And in 2022 (which I was only made aware of today), you can’t get the upgrade price is you don’t upgrade within 36 months of the last upgrade. I’m wondering if updates to Windows 10 over the last four years could cause the old Boris plug-in not to work well anymore. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.