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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve Power Mastering

  • Power Mastering

    Posted by Hyunsoo Kim on June 19, 2010 at 1:13 am

    Can anyone tell me about Power Mastering feature? As far as I know, pre BMD models support this feature for selected configurations(such as R250, R350, and so on). Will Resolve on Mac be able to output multi-node session to tape without rendering?

    Darin Wooldridge replied 14 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Christopher Tay

    June 20, 2010 at 2:45 am

    PowerMastering is available on the Resolve on Mac and if any shots cannot be handled in realtime it will cache it before it goes off to tape and those are indicated with a cache icon.


  • Hyunsoo Kim

    June 21, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Thanks Christopher.

  • Darin Wooldridge

    June 22, 2010 at 1:02 am

    I use this function all the time.
    There are two types of power mastering in the current linux version.
    Source files are 2k and I output to hdcam sr or d5. It gets a bit tricky cause each power mastering type works a bit differently. I hope to get my software and dongle very soon to test the new mac ver.

    Darin Wooldridge
    (5 years working on the resolve in a high end DI environment)
    find me on facebook @ davinci resolve colorist

  • Darin Wooldridge

    June 23, 2010 at 2:06 am


    Do you need to render to get the window burns to play out the sdi card? Forgive in i’m wrong but it was my understanding that in the current resolve you must render to get burn in’s to tape.
    Does the mac version have the ability to play out with burn ins without a render pass using advanced power mastering.. And does the cache mode take longer than a render.

    Darin Wooldridge

  • Leonardo Piero

    June 23, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    [Darin Wooldridge] “Forgive in i’m wrong but it was my understanding that in the current resolve you must render to get burn in’s to tape.”

    No need to render on the current resolve and it also works with r3d files.
    Not sure about the mac version though.

    BTW, is the cache mode in mac version different from the current version?

  • Darin Wooldridge

    June 23, 2010 at 6:45 pm


    Wow.. I learn something new every day. May I ask what version of the software you are using? I tested this years ago and found the windows will display on the GUI but not the sdi output. I must have missed something. Looks like I have some testing to do when I get to work tonight. Is it doing a cache of the entire reel and rendering the windows into the cache file?


  • Leonardo Piero

    June 23, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    [Darin Wooldridge] “May I ask what version of the software you are using?”

    I’m not too sure about the version. I’ll check it later.

    [Darin Wooldridge] “Is it doing a cache of the entire reel and rendering the windows into the cache file?”

    Not sure, I never check the cache directory.
    But if you only use 3 or 4 nodes for doing the dailies, I don’t think Resolve will write something to the cache directory.

    What I can remember is, if you activate the power mastering in the config page before you play out to tape, it will activate the cache+ mode automatically.

  • Darin Wooldridge

    June 26, 2010 at 5:01 am

    I tried several powermastering and cache setting to get the window burns to go to tape. The only way I was able to achive this was render the burn ins into a new file for playout.

    Darin Wooldridge.

  • Leonardo Piero

    June 26, 2010 at 3:16 pm


    I reconfirmed again about this.

    1. If your footage is R3D files you need to enable the cache+ mode or you need to render out and do the batch output to get the burn-ins go to tape.

    2. If your footage is DPX files and you see no red icon in the thumbnail on your timeline it means you can do power mastering with your burn-ins without rendering. Just remember when you enable the power mastering, resolve will ask whether you want to enable the cache+ mode or not, just choose NO.

    3. You will not see the burn-ins on your broadcast monitor while you grading, but it will go to the tape when you do power mastering without the need to render. I’m 110% sure about this, confirmed & tested on 4GPU Linux 🙂

    Maybe someone from DaVinci support can double confirm about this?

  • Darin Wooldridge

    June 26, 2010 at 6:49 pm


    Spoke my friends at black magic. As I noted. On the current da vinci resolve you MUST render to get any windows to tape. I have been using power mastering for the past 4 years, your comments made me think i was missing something. Turns out i am not. After testing last night then speaking to davinci I am 1000% sure window burns to tape requires a render pass.

    Version 7 and the new hardware will however do this without a render pass.

    Darin Wooldridge
    Find me on facebook as Davinci Resolve Colorist

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