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Activity Forums Field Production Portable Monitor Recommendations as part of an interview set

  • Portable Monitor Recommendations as part of an interview set

    Posted by Paula Zimmerman on January 10, 2024 at 5:51 am

    I work for a TV talk show host/producer who often shoots his interviews in the field, building an interview set wherever he can find a location. He likes to use his animated show logo in the wide shot. Projection doesn’t produce a solid image and adding it to a green-screened area in post has been extremely difficult because the talent seating has to be located close to the green screen. Has anyone worked with a portable setup with an HD monitor that is easy to transport and set up? Most of the portable monitors I’ve seen with triangular supports put the monitor at an angle. For this type of application, the monitor needs to be straight on to the viewer, since it is part of the set. Thank you for any recommendations you can offer.

    Paula Zimmerman replied 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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