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Activity Forums Media 100 Playing QuickTime 601n Media 100 file on Windows system

  • Playing QuickTime 601n Media 100 file on Windows system

    Posted by Tim Lillethorup on April 1, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    Here’s a topic about a very old system! So, I save many of my old systems, including my MAC G4 / Media 100 editing system from 2005! Cleaned it up and it still works great.

    The reason I got it up an running is to use it to capture 8mm, Hi-8mm, VHS and Betacam SP tapes of my daughter’s childhood. Thought this would be the best way to do this, as the captured images were always so clean. Plus, I wanted to get scrappy and not have to buy a capture card for my Windows based / Premiere Pro systems.

    As it turns out, the QuickTime files it captures are in some kind of QuickTime 601N codec. For the life of me I can not figure out a way to play these files on Windows! The audio will load, but with no video.

    So, I thought I’d use the “Export from Edit Suite” option to create new MOV or AVI files. That turns out to be a nightmare! A 60 minute program will take 13 hours to render, (just not enough processing power), but really doesn’t matter anyway because the G4 will crash two to three hours into the render. Even exporting a 25 minute section takes hours upon hours!

    If i can find a way to play the original QuickTime videos the Media 100 captures in Premiere Pro for Windows, it would make this the ideal system.

    I was researching and read about FFMPEG. Researched this. It appears to be a Windows command line process! I haven’t use command prompts since the 1990’s! Rather not go down that path.

    So, is there anyone out there with a solution? Help! And, thank you in advance.


    Andrew Mehta replied 6 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Andrew Mehta

    May 30, 2024 at 1:00 am

    Yes, there are three approaches you can take.

    1) You can export a by-reference file from Media 100, and then use another program on the G4 Mac to convert the file to something your PC will understand. You could use Quicktime Pro, Autodesk Cleaner, Macromedia Media Encoder, Apple Compressor, etc… the catch here is that perhaps these programmes will also take hours on a G4.

    2) You can export in the Media 100i codec, and then simply use that codec on your PC too, and do any re-encoding to a new codec on the PC, which may be faster. The draw back here is you\’re still capturing in one codec, and then spending time converting to another.

    3) You can download the latest Media 100 Suite for free from – use it on a Mac running anything between Snow Leopard to Mojave, and use a Firewire adapter to run an old camera\’s feed in. If that camera, like my Sony PD150, has RCA (yellow/red/white) phono connectors for video, and audio, you could probably hook your VHS and Hi-8 sources up to it. Then you can capture to Media 100 Suite in your choice of codecs – such as DV, Media 100i, Media 100 HD (uncompressed codec – so may be too large to be practical), or Apple Pro Res. The DV codec is likely to be widely accepted on other systems, including on your PC without any conversion needed, and the Pro Res codec may be easier to find software to convert to the codec of your choice on PC (you may have to convert Pro Res on the Mac before taking to PC).

    I\’m guessing from what you\’ve said, that the second option – playing back the Media 100i codec from your G4 on your PC is probably going to be the easiest solution for you.

    So let\’s hook you up with what you need for this.
    Quicktime for Windows can be downloaded from Apple here:

    The Windows Transcoder – to allow Quicktime for Windows to playback the Media 100i codec, can be downloaded here:

    I am uncertain where the transcoder file should be placed.
    I had suggested two copies – one in ….

    …and one in…
    C:\\Program Files\\QuickTime\\QTComponents

    Gareth Williams had success using Quicktime 6.5 and Windows 10.
    He put the transcoder in both:

    See Gareth\’s comment here:

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