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Activity Forums Adobe Premiere Pro Playback issues of synced multicam sequences in timeline PremierePro 25

  • Playback issues of synced multicam sequences in timeline PremierePro 25

    Posted by Nicola Powell on November 18, 2024 at 5:36 pm

    Hi, I’ve synced a project using the multicam sequences (all clips synced with timecode). When I create a string out for each shooting day to make selects, I’m having an issue with playback in the timeline. Some “clips” (multicam sequence) play absolutely fine, some playback for maybe 10 seconds and then playback just stops.

    There is only one camera track in each multicam and I’m using correct sequence settings, plus have linked proxies. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening/what settings I need to change to stop it? Is it a known bug maybe? Im working in Premiere Pro 25.

    Thank you!

    Rob Ainscough replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Devrim Akteke

    November 18, 2024 at 5:54 pm


    You said 1 video track but how many audio tracks do you have under the video? Surprisingly sometimes audio makes it harder to play. You can delete unnecessary audio if there is, inside the Multicam clip. And on your main timeline where you inserted your multicam clip, I don’t use the multicam clip’s audio track, that green thing on the A1 channel. I copy\paste and use the original audio files and delete the audio of the MultiCam clip from A1. Never had an issue this way and also easier to manage the sound during editing. I hope this helps.

  • Rob Ainscough

    November 18, 2024 at 6:07 pm

    The only way I’ve been able to resolve this type of issue in the past was to convert everything to Apple ProRes (MOV) low compression, and then do everything via proxies and finally do NOT use any hardware acceleration … then go ahead with any edits. I’m making the assumption you’re running 2 channel audio.

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