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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Pixelated issue when UV mapping my textures in After Effects with the ft-UVPass plugin (from François Tarlier on aescripts)

  • Pixelated issue when UV mapping my textures in After Effects with the ft-UVPass plugin (from François Tarlier on aescripts)

    Posted by Jo Dalton on August 28, 2020 at 9:08 am

    I am having a pixelated issue when UV mapping my textures in After Effects with the ft-UVPass plugin (from François Tarlier on aescripts).

    It’s driving me nuts! I don’t know if a bit pixelated as good as it gets, or if there is something I can do to improve it. The pixelation is noticable around the edges of text and images.

    I am working in After Effects 32bit workspace and have rendered my UV map in 32bit from cinema 4d (i’ve tried tiff, psd, png image sequence). I have ‘preserve RGB’ in After Effects colour management checked. Using After Effects CC2019 and Cinema 4d R14.

    See image below how the resolution of the texture on the right side of the book is low. This is a screen grab from After Effects viewing in full res.

    Thanks in advance if anyone can help!

    Alejandro Bustillo replied 1 month, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 0 Replies
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  • Alejandro Bustillo

    August 30, 2024 at 10:34 pm

    Hi, I know it´s been years, but posting this answer in case it helps anyone, because I was struggling with this until I found out the solution.

    You just have to switch your AE project to 32 bits, this happens when it is in 8 bits.

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