pi library file format and export
Hello all, googling the net I have found this forum and I just wanted you to know that for some (long sadly) time I have been working on app to export data from pi files (mostly to recreate effects in Timeline FX Editor). Slowly I get some results e.g.:
./build-macx-clang-c11/pil3 test.il3
Signature: "ILLUSION3lib"
Reading array 1 elements.
Reading "CTextureGroup" class
CTextureGroup "Misc" 1 textures
Reading "CMultiTexture" class
CMultiTexture "basic blur"
Reading "CTexture" class
CTexture: "New Shape" 0 128 128 8 128If not open source the application would be at least very useful to get some hints about file format from the creator of the application ☺
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