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  • Posted by Jitendra Yadav on February 9, 2018 at 2:37 pm

    It is always being the hectic and confusing job to choose between PHP and Developers are always bury themselves in confusion. They are always unable to decide which one is better for development purpose, which will be more comfortable and efficient for programming in any solution.
    PHP is one of the widely used scripting language and it has won the hearts of any developers as it is hypertext processor language on the other hand has Microsoft as its backup bearer and can be operated across any .net supported language.
    Here are some features that make you clear about selection between PHP and ASP.Net
    1. Cost: It is all known fact for all developers that PHP is free of cost on the other hand ASP.Net comes with certain charges because of having Microsoft product. has been designed to work on windows and because of this reason it is more expensive as compare to PHP and developers have to buy windows and buying windows is an expensive affair. As windows hosting is costlier then hosting done in linux. High support is provided by the developers while using the PHP scripting language as it is free of cost and open source coding language.
    2. Performance: Performance is better when PHP runs on linux operating system as compare to which runs on windows operating system. PHP forms a lamp performance including Apache and MySQL which enhances the performance using Mysql database. The OS and file system that is used on the server profoundly impact the performance. A fact is that Linux Operating System and ext4 file system offer a higher I/O performance when compared to Windows and NTFS file system.
    3. Scalability: When we talk about scalability both PHP and are scalable mainly depends upon the proficiency of developers who are coding in the language.
    4. Learning: If developer is beginner and is started learning for language it is quite difficult to learn as it is written in C# which is derived from c language and we all know that coding in C language is quite complicated and syntax in c language is little bit difficult to implement on the other hand PHP is easy to learn as there are only few lines to code that developers need to work upon.
    5. Limitations: As we have already discussed that PHP is open source and developers can code anything, anywhere. Developers can run PHP code on any OS suh as Windows, linux, unix, mac OSX. But has limitation to code only in windows operating system.
    6. Frameworks: It is well known fact that PHP frameworks are wide and up gradations continuously happens in frameworks and newer versions are always preferred by developers.
    7. Object Oriented: Developers can create any class from PHP and can call Java and Windows COM objects from PHP. Also, PHP provides developers with the freedom to create custom classes.
    8. Fixing problems: PHP is good at fixing problems Whenever you make a request to fix up an issue, PHP clears up and refreshes to help you start over. PHP provides support to its users and one of the reasons it is the favourite of people and also, why they prefer PHP over ASP.Net.
    9. High Speed and database support: WordPress is one of the popular examples as It implements PHP coding with MySQL for its content management system that makes things easier. As PHP is supportive all across the platforms. And it uses the combination of PHP and databases with desirable and high speed.
    10. PHP has some Cons too: When it comes to coding, we have already discussed that it is very easy to code using PHP, but the drawback is that it can only parse code within its delimiters. Anything that extends beyond the delimiters will be sent to the output which is something that we do not want.


    When comes to the conclusion about selection between PHP and it is clear from above discussion that PHP is preferable because of its wide range of features that is preferable by developers which facilitates the developers by the ease of use and ease of coding.

    Ref – Looking for web design company –

    Lauren Ferling replied 6 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Lauren Ferling

    April 13, 2018 at 10:54 am

    The point is PHP is a programming language, whereas ASP.NET does not belong to the category of programming languages.Being a web developer in an website design agency in Dubai I work on both languages and I feel PHP is easy than

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