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Activity Forums DaVinci Resolve Phantom, ArriRAW and ProRes

  • Jamie Allan

    June 29, 2010 at 11:54 am

    It will be down to the owners of the codecs to write the port to Linux. Unsure if there’s been conversations with Phantom & Arri but, as has been said here numerous times, its pretty unlikely apple will port ProRes to linux

    Jamie Allan
    Post Production Consultant
    DaVinci Specialist (Linux/Mac)

    Jigsaw Systems Ltd. – IT & Broadcast specialists for the UK

  • Mike Most

    July 3, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    Neither Phantom nor ArriRAW involves a “codec.” They are both uncompressed formats, and the file formats are available from the manufacturers for anyone to use. They are both already supported on at least two Linux products (Iridas’ products, and Filmlight’s Baselight). ProRes is, of course, a compression codec owned and controlled by Apple, so cross platform support is done at their discretion and does not currently include Linux.

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