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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects Particle Emitter as Stroke

  • Particle Emitter as Stroke

    Posted by Joseph M. morgan on April 10, 2009 at 3:15 am

    I read a post by Steve Roberts about how to use a stroke as a particle emitter. The instructions where to create a mask, render a stroke onto it, precompose, then put partcular on a solid and set the emitter to layer.

    However, I am gettng random partcles. There must be somethng I am missing.

    This is what I really want to do. I have a mask with an animated stroke. As the stroke appears from 0% to 100%, I need the emitter to effectvely go with it… getting longer and emitting particles along the “lit” portion of the stroke. That is, the emitter gets longer as the stroke elongates along the mask…


    Mark Walczak replied 15 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Mark Walczak

    April 10, 2009 at 1:52 pm

    Hm, it seems like your method should do the trick. Here’s a slightly more complicated solution:

    1 – Create your mask path in either Illustrator or After Effects
    2 – Use the expression pick whip to link your emitter position to a null object (assuming you know how – be sure to check out Andrew’s tut on this
    3 – Copy your mask path and paste it into the Null’s position (This will give you your solid stroke)
    4 – Create another particle layer, and link your emitter to the same Null (this will be your secondary emitter, the one that shoots out particles)

    From there, it should be just a matter of tweaking your emission settings. I hope I’m clear enough, as this can be a little tricky.

    Hope it works out!

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