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Activity Forums Panasonic Cameras Panasonic’s scene files

  • Jan Crittenden livingston

    February 24, 2009 at 11:55 am


    You could doctor them to be compatible. Save a set of scene files on your Euro camera. Open the file with a text editor. At the top of the file you will see a header that identifies your camera. Copy and past that into the file you downloaded over the top of the same lines that id the the US camera. Then as far as the frame rates, wait until you have loaded the file into your camera and then go through the scene file on the camera and set the frame rates you want. Then save it back to the card with the correct frame rates.

    Hope that makes sense.



    Jan Crittenden Livingston
    Product Manager, HPX500, HVX200, DVX100
    Panasonic Broadcast & TV Systems

  • Mark S buschbacher

    February 22, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Howdy folks,

    Has anyone created a “scene file” for the HPX500 to be used specifically for green screen? I’ve set the detail level to -7 to eliminate any in-camera sharpening, but what about the other “scene file” settings, such as ‘V Detail Level’ and ‘Detail Coring’. Basically what “scene file” settings work best for shooting green screen?



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