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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy Paint / Online

  • Posted by Dylan Carter on April 18, 2005 at 10:00 pm

    I am TRYING to “Online” a 30 sec spot in FCP. So far I am not impressed. I know it is an editing system, not an online box.. but come on, what is the point of a system that can do uncompressed HD/ SD if I can’t finish in it?

    I wwon’t rant and rave, but for those of you that do use this system to finish I have a couple questions.

    1) Dirt clean up. How? I want to do simple clean up – clone theses pixeles from previous frame to this one. I can cut out th eold frame, make a new layer, cut a matte.. blah blah blah, but that sucks. I want to just a have a restore brush and pick from either previous / after / other. Is there a plugin?

    2) Offline / Online split. The client (and operator) need to be able to compare the online and offline. But if I put the offline in the top layer and crop it to the middle, then everytime I turn it on or off I lose all my other renders… is there a better solution for this? Do you guys just use a “gang” function? what are other people doing?

    Thanks for the help.

    By the way I am an old Henry user, current iQ user (online and DI).

    Josh Kirschenbaum replied 19 years, 6 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Uwe Klimmeck

    April 18, 2005 at 10:21 pm

    Hi Dylan,
    me again 🙂
    The cloning ain’t possible in FCP as far as I know. Don’t know a plugin either. I do it in Commotion or AE. Masking is also very weak. I bought this plugin ( and it is close to AniMatte.
    But are you in front of a real fast system ? Dual 2.5 plus Raid with 250MB+ throughput ?
    That’s where it all ends. Speed.


  • Dylan Carter

    April 18, 2005 at 10:29 pm

    Is commotion still around? I looked at the pinnacle site and didn’t see much. Is there a simple way to do it in AE 6.5? I have always used AE for efx and never used it’s vector paint tools. Just export a ref movie, and bring it in… then what tool? I mean I could just make two layers and offset the bottom by a frame, then vector paint a mask… but the workflow seems clunky at best.

  • Uwe Klimmeck

    April 18, 2005 at 10:45 pm

    Don’t know. Purchased Commotion years ago and have updated to 4.1.
    The other way is handwork in AE, but you can do masking and re-positioning layers underneath in FCP as well if you use RotoFX. Works in FCP and AE. Still not a perfect rotoscoper but close to how it should be.
    If I remember it right AniMatte was 5000 $ to buy for AVID.
    And Quantel Mirage was 1.000.000. I don’t know about Discreet’s Infernos….
    Try to think of that :-))


  • David

    April 18, 2005 at 10:49 pm


    There is a terrific and inexpensive plugin from Digital Heaven that masks dead pixels by copying the pixels from around it. Very simple and effective. And then, if you have Boris FX, you can use the motion tracker to track the blemishes. Hope that helps.


  • David

    April 18, 2005 at 10:50 pm


    There is a terrific and inexpensive plugin from Digital Heaven that masks dead pixels by copying the pixels from around it. Very simple and effective. And then, if you have Boris FX, you can use the motion tracker to track the blemishes. Hope that helps.


  • Arnie Schlissel

    April 19, 2005 at 12:30 am

    “Is commotion still around? I looked at the pinnacle site and didn’t see much.”

    Are you kidding? Pinnacle isn’t even around anymore! They’re being bought by Avid.
    ou might want to try Recreation from Digital Heaven for cloning: I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve heard that it works.


  • Neil Sadwelkar

    April 19, 2005 at 3:40 am

    Why not use Motion for these effects that you an’t do in FCP. From FCP export to Motion and come back to FCP is a breeze. And now you can download a free 30-day trial of Motion.


  • Dylan Carter

    April 19, 2005 at 3:45 am

    because MOTION blows. Okay, maybe that’s not fair. It’s great for $100, and doing 2d titles. It has NO pespective for even simple things, and sure doesn’t have paint tools.

    I just want to take pixels from frame 99 and paint them onto the same place on frame 100. Almost every job (shot on film) needs this kind of clean up. There has to be a better solution.. no?

  • Max Frank

    April 19, 2005 at 7:47 am


    Here’s the plug-in you need:

    It’s a cloner and I believe works very well.


    2DP G5, 3.5GB RAM, FCP HD

  • Josh Kirschenbaum

    July 14, 2005 at 4:06 pm

    Hey Dylan-

    I think the Digital Heaven stuff is probably the way to go for dirt cleanup…

    Dirt cleanup in AE is pretty good with the regular paint tool- although the cloning brush seems to try to hard to blend your strokes and it kills all the grain…

    I’ve just started playing around with the new FCP 5.0 and Shake 4 integration tools- which are pretty good. Shake has some great paint tools- but moving from one app to the other to do paint/dirt cleanup is a little awkward- the paradigm is really designed for more complex work…but it works really well.

    You just select clip(s) in FCP, choose “Send to Shake”, give it some script names (that’s the awkward part) – it makes a “ref movie” and builds a .shk script and launches Shake with everything ready to go. When you render your script, it’s automatically back in FCP placed in the right place in the timeline.

    I still want to see better pulldown removal tools in these apps- the fact that you still need to use Cinema Tools is dumb. After Effects’ pulldown tools are still the best…but you really need Automatic Duck to totally take advantage of it.


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