Paint / Online
I am TRYING to “Online” a 30 sec spot in FCP. So far I am not impressed. I know it is an editing system, not an online box.. but come on, what is the point of a system that can do uncompressed HD/ SD if I can’t finish in it?
I wwon’t rant and rave, but for those of you that do use this system to finish I have a couple questions.
1) Dirt clean up. How? I want to do simple clean up – clone theses pixeles from previous frame to this one. I can cut out th eold frame, make a new layer, cut a matte.. blah blah blah, but that sucks. I want to just a have a restore brush and pick from either previous / after / other. Is there a plugin?
2) Offline / Online split. The client (and operator) need to be able to compare the online and offline. But if I put the offline in the top layer and crop it to the middle, then everytime I turn it on or off I lose all my other renders… is there a better solution for this? Do you guys just use a “gang” function? what are other people doing?
Thanks for the help.
By the way I am an old Henry user, current iQ user (online and DI).